A blog dedicated to the news and events affecting Wakefield School from the student point-of-view.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
"It Not Your Day"
The temperature hovered around freezing on Thursday. It was cold outside! Students were not in compliance to the uniform code not because they wanted to flaunt the uniform code; students were wearing outer coats because it was cold!!
Teachers fail to realize how cold it can get traveling from building to building on the campus because most of them do not have to make as many trips as most students. Mr. Constantine, for instance, almost never leaves the upper school computer room.
Thursday's action by the English faculty infuriated many students who did not receive a lunch detention. Most seniors received lunch detentions for wearing colored sweaters. Wearing a colored sweater is a senior right according to the uniform code. Apparently, the teachers were not aware of all of the rules.
Members of the English department, when questioned about the sudden increase in uniform enforcement responded, “Because the English department was the only one that did not give out lunch detentions, or enforce the uniform code.” Of course they would pick a day when the temperature sat near 32 F. Students need an alternative jacket that will comply with the uniform code and meet student desires for style and grace. The current options, as outlined in the handbook, do not really meet student needs at this point.
Students will continue to wear whatever keeps then warm, lunch detention or not. How hard is it for the school to find some sort of compromise with the students? Maybe a meeting is in order.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Wakefield's Road to Accredidation

Representatives from VAIS sat in every class at least once, to gain a greater understanding of the Wakefield way. The VAIS representatives were on campus until Wednesday, November 15, 2010 meeting with various teachers and heads of the departments to truly soak up what Wakefield stands for.
This is a process that occurs every 10 years and is more than just a rubber stamp. The process gives Wakefield an opportunity to show other independent schools what makes us uniqiue. The visit was a overwhelming success and Wakefield continues to uphold its core values, making it one of the best schools in the state.
The Gift Giving Season

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wakefield Performing Arts has done it again! Macbeth took place on November 3rd, 4th, and 5th in the lower gym.The production was a huge hit selling out all three nights. The show required taking down the set and adding more seats for Friday's performance.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Kourtnee's Korner--Class Days
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Dig Pink Tournament
The Wakefield volleyball team played one game against Highland for the best 3 out of 5. The volleyball team stayed strong and got to the fifth set against the Hawks but sadly did not prevail.The Owls first played the hawks in the beginning of the year and lost in the first 3 sets. It was a major improvement for the volleyball girls. The Wakefield volleyball team will play Foxcroft on their turf on Saturday, October 23rd. Come out and support your Wakefield girls!
Button, Ward, and Malinowski...Classroom Veterans
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Kourtnee’s Korner: Bathroom Etiquette

Proper Bathroom Etiquette Rules. Rule 1: Place a toilet seat cover or toilet paper on the seat. Rule 2: Squat or sit, whatever floats your boat. Rule 3: Do your business. Rule 4: Clean up. Rule 5: If you leave anything on the toilet seat CLEAN IT UP!!! Rule 6: FLUSH the toilet. Rule 7: Courtesy flush. I am tired of walking into the bathroom and all of the stalls are unusable, when I really have to go. I have to take time, which I really don’t want to waste, to clean up after someone else. We are all old enough to know how to use the bathroom properly and how to clean up after ourselves, so DO IT!! How hard is it to clean up after yourselves?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Noctua Sports: All Wakefield sports All the time

For everything that’s Wakefield sports visit wakefieldsports.This will be a blog completely devoted to Wakefield School sports, including scores, recaps, and editorials. We will work hard to update the blog with current information, and keep readers informed about Wakefield sports.
Kourtnee's Corner

Walking down the hallway I find myself puzzled, everyday. As I’m attempting to make my way to class the only thing in my line of vision is a sea of underclassmen. Why is this an issue? As I am walking to class they all seem to stare at me. They can see that I am approaching and will eventually be trying to get by, but the main issue is that they DON’T MOVE!!, in my haste to make it to class on time I have resorted to pushing people out of my way. Is it so hard to move out of the way or find somewhere else to stand other than the middle of the hallway? Solution: if they don’t move quick enough push them out of the way, and continue to until they learn to move when they see me coming.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Mother Librarian

From the moment the young and eager 6th graders take their seats, Ms Clemency, Treptow librarian, is rattling off their names. She does this as if she has known them from birth even though it is only the second week of school. This is an impressive feat that comes naturally to the best and most experienced of teachers. Many students lovingly refer to Ms Clemency as “mom” and she has become exactly that to all the students who have the pleasure of using her library. She has become “in loco parentis” to the Senior class by allowing those upperclassmen to use her library as a spot to wake up in and greet that upcoming day at Wakefield. Ms Clemency is a lifeline for all the students especially those who have embarked on the daunting task of Junior and Senior thesis. If you have not already gotten to know Ms Clemency I suggest that you do so because she is one friend that you can’t afford to miss out on. –Creston Irby
Class Days
Kourtnee's Korner: Parking Spaces
Since the beginning of this year, one thing I have heard a lot about is the parking situation. My opinion may be biased but I think that the upper parking lot should be reserved for the Seniors who have paid the parking permit fee and the Faculty. The parking lot behind the upper gym should be for Juniors. It has taken the Seniors four long years to be able to share a parking lot with the Faculty. Juniors have no right to park in the spaces reserved for the Seniors. Juniors, how hard is it to wait just one more year? –Kourtnee Lewis
Monday, September 27, 2010
SGA Elections

The SGA elections for Wakefield School were held on September 23, 2010. The speeches for the candidates were held the day before. These elections were important for the whole school. Here are the winners of the 2010 SGA elections.
Grade/President/Vice President/Secretary
9th Ted Sacripianti Connor Poss Gina Mclinden
10th Caroline Farr Caroline Hoffman Kelly Mason
11th Isabelle Byers Trevor Newman Zach Swallow
12th Natalie Khalil Laura Steensma Sarah Weinstien-Bacal
9th Gabby Castaño Alyssa Ortiz
10th Brooke Addison Alex DA
11th Carter Dale Rachel Cowgill
12th Jordan Hutcheson Lara Kozak
The most important election for this year would be the Junior class. The winners of that election are the ones who are in charge of the most important Lasagna dinner. The profit from this dinner is used to fund the prom. -Zach Zavalanski