Wakefield Performing Arts has done it again! Macbeth took place on November 3rd, 4th, and 5th in the lower gym.The production was a huge hit selling out all three nights. The show required taking down the set and adding more seats for Friday's performance.
Thoreau Martin and Kate Crescenzo took the lead roles as Macbeth and his spouse and tackled them with great control. "For the first time being in a lead role I felt I did a great job, but it was no easy task because of the amount of lines I had to remember." said Martin of his performance. Sixth grader Cason Atkinson played Malcolm with stunning aplomb and maturity. The middle schooler's performance rocked the house. Freshman Crescenzo's memorable performance as Lady Macbeth promises to be the first of many great roles for the freshman on the Wakefield stage.
The whole cast of the production, including several faculty members, did a wonderful job performing in front of packed houses on all three nights. The play was an amazing production and showed what Wakefield Performing Arts can bring to the table. Director Tom Bazar added another feather to his directors cap with this show. If you missed this production of Macbeth, make sure to come out and see All in the Timing in December. Performing Arts is on a roll!
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