Saturday, December 4, 2010

"It Not Your Day"

All I heard about on Thursday was lunch detention. The penalty for a uniform violation is a lunch detention. There were at least 8 detention slips given in my literature class yesterday morning. It was "It is not your day" Day. Some of the detentions were forgiven later in the day.

The temperature hovered around freezing on Thursday. It was cold outside! Students were not in compliance to the uniform code not because they wanted to flaunt the uniform code; students were wearing outer coats because it was cold!!

Teachers fail to realize how cold it can get traveling from building to building on the campus because most of them do not have to make as many trips as most students. Mr. Constantine, for instance, almost never leaves the upper school computer room.

Thursday's action by the English faculty infuriated many students who did not receive a lunch detention. Most seniors received lunch detentions for wearing colored sweaters. Wearing a colored sweater is a senior right according to the uniform code. Apparently, the teachers were not aware of all of the rules.

Members of the English department, when questioned about the sudden increase in uniform enforcement responded, “Because the English department was the only one that did not give out lunch detentions, or enforce the uniform code.” Of course they would pick a day when the temperature sat near 32 F. Students need an alternative jacket that will comply with the uniform code and meet student desires for style and grace. The current options, as outlined in the handbook, do not really meet student needs at this point.

Students will continue to wear whatever keeps then warm, lunch detention or not. How hard is it for the school to find some sort of compromise with the students? Maybe a meeting is in order.


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